Presenters Name: Steve Herbert
Employment Title: Consultant
Company: TZMI
Biography: Steven Herbert has worked in the Western Australian minerals processing industry since 2003, including ten years as a Senior Engineer in the TiO2 pigment industry. Steven joined TZMI in 2022 and works on the market evaluation, technical assessments and cost benchmarking of the TiO2 pigment and titanium metal business. Steven is a graduate of Applied Chemistry and Extractive Metallurgy degrees from Curtin University of Technology, Western Australia.
Presentation Title: The impact of fragmentation on TiO2 supply
Presentation Abstract: International developments are fragmenting the world supply of titanium dioxide. The changes in protectionist tariff, geopolitical developments and policies are changing the face of trade, and particularly TiO2, that has far-reaching implications for coatings producers and similar industries. The presentation will cover the magnitude, timing, and scope of tariffs and the TZMI view on these impacts upon supply dynamics of TiO2 pigment. The countries assessed includes USA, India, China, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, among others.