Presenters Name: Dr Phil Barker

Employment Title: Associate Professor

Company: School of Science, Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health University of Wollongong.

Biography: Phil was educated in the UK. During a spell working in Germany, he was recruited by the former BHP Research in 1988. Initially based in Melbourne, Phil transferred to Port Kembla in 1995 to work on various R & D projects related to the iconic COLORBOND®steel product range. Over the years he became known globally as an expert in coating durability and testing. After more than 26 years with BHP Research (latterly BlueScope Steel Research), Phil was retired in late 2014 and he moved across to the University of Wollongong, where he works on various coating-related research projects.

Presentation Title:   A Swansong: Successes, Failures and Surprises from 30 Years of Surface Coatings Research

Presentation Abstract: As a ‘Swansong’ this could well be my last presentation at a SCAA Conference, so I thought I’d provide you with a few anecdotes that chart my 30 years of surface coatings research: 20 years at BHP Research and BlueScope Steel and 10 years at the University of Wollongong. The themes which underpin the work are fundamental and obvious. Firstly, using my chemistry background to understand the properties of a product. Secondly, ensuring that the product is compliant from regulatory perspectives and is as good as it can be in-service, fully meeting customer expectations. Thirdly, solving workaday issues that arise anywhere in the production chain to market. Finally, investigating product failures and customer complaints, ‘CSI – Surface Coatings’.

Topics discussed are diverse, ranging from ‘Roll forming in Dubbo’, ‘A Close Shave’ and ‘Hurricane Katrina’ to ‘Acid Rain’, ‘A Bug’s Life’ and finally a few ‘Red Herrings’ (of which there were many). Some projects were small and short term, others were significant and required support from a variety of sources. Needless to say, most, if not all of the activities gave significant benefit, whether financial or as fundamental knowledge capture that underpins to new product development.

The presentation will be strictly ‘no names, no pack drill’ in terms of suppliers and technologies. The talk is just about connecting the science with the real world and the learnings that follow.