Presenters Name: John Keramidas
Position: President
Organisation: Coatings Societies International (CSI)
Biography: John is the current Surface Coatings Association Australia (SCAA) Vice President and Immediate Past President. He has been a member of SCAA since 2004 and holds an Associate in the Technology of Surface Coatings (ATSC) professional Grading and an MBA (executive) from RMIT University. John has served as Chairman, Secretary, Social Secretary, and Membership Secretary of the Victorian Section and has also participated as the Promotions committee member on the Australian Coatings Show. John is also the current Coatings Societies International – CSI of which both SCAA and SCANZ are members.
John is the Business Development and Export Manager at Tri-Tech Chemical Company an Australian manufacturing company creating responsible solutions for a better tomorrow. Taking locally produced and imported raw materials and transforming them into solutions that support renewable and sustainable products and processes to minimise the impact on the planet.
Presentation Title: Coatings Societies International (CSI) a global approach in the development and dissemination of scientific and technical knowledge concerning research, production, formulations, application of coatings, inks, construction materials and adhesives.
Presentation Abstract: Coatings Societies International (CSI) represents the interest of organizations associated with Coatings Technology.
Established in 1986 CSI is a global approach in the development and dissemination of scientific and technical knowledge concerning research, production, formulations, application of coatings, inks, construction materials and adhesives. This paper will provide details on the member associations and detail each members’ key member engagement proposition:
• OCCA – The Oil & Colour Chemists’ Association
• SCAA – Surface Coatings Association Australia
• SCANZ – Surface Coatings Association New Zealand
• FATIPEC – Federation of Associations of Technology for Industry and Paints in European Countries
• JSCM – Japan Society of Colour Materials
• SFL – Skandinaviska Lackteknikers Forbund – Norway, Denmark, Sweden & Finland
• WCS – Western Coatings Societies; Arizona, Golden Gate, Los Angeles and Pacific Northwest Societies for Coatings Technologies
This paper will also explore Coatings Societies International members’ interaction regulatory bodies requirements and compliance needed by producers and individuals as well as exploring sustainability initiatives undertaken by members and the challenges faced by the different jurisdictions.