Presenters Name: Ian Clark

Employment Title: Mostly retired. Sometime consultant

Company: Paintspection

Biography: After 35 years working for one of Australia’s leading coating manufactures, Ian “retired” to pursue other activities.

However, as often happens, there is a chronic shortage of field experience in coating inspection.
So in 2016 Paintspection was born.
Since that time, Ian and his team have independently investigated hundreds of coating related issues.
These may be simple residential defect reports to coating ‘failures’ on major infrastructure.
This work involves so much more than a simple ‘coating inspector’ would regularly address.
These days, much time is taken up forensically investigating what has gone wrong and why. It is not always straight forward.
This leads us to the paper being presented today; ‘I think I have faulty paint’.

Presentation Title: ” I think I have faulty paint!”

Presentation Abstract:

We look at what faulty paint is and the ‘real’ causes.

How this happens

How the incidence can be reduced