Presenters Name: Dale Peterson
Employment Title: Managing Director
Company: Bondline Static Control Solutions
Biography: You could say that Dale has been attracted to static electricity since high school, when sitting on a wooden stool, on a wooden board, on four glass jars with one hand on a Vandergraph Generator, he was welcoming parents to the science lab during open day with a shocking handshake. After studying as an electro-mechanical engineer in the UK, he has honed his troubleshooting and problem solving skills in fields as varied as plastics, maintenance, printing, chemical handling, measurement equipment, Defence ordnance and electronics. Since moving to Australia in 1999 to establish Bondline Static Control Solutions, he has been involved with all industries grappling with static electricity, conducting static awareness training, floor and materials testing, consulting and supplying static control equipment. With over 30 years in the static control space, he is recognised for his informative, pragmatic, collaborative approach to solving problems. Dale not only engaged in the feedback round of AS/NZS 1020:2023, but was also invited to participate in the re-write for AS 1884:2021, Floor coverings – resilient sheet and tiles – installation practices, with relevant explanation of static control flooring in Appendix G (informative). Dale is an active member of the EOS/ESD Association, Inc.
Presentation Title: Antistatic, Conductive, Dissipative. The importance of grounding personnel and correct PPE
Presentation Abstract: Static electricity and the effects thereof affect practically every industry and many individuals through static shocks, damage to electronics, fires, explosions, computer lock-up, contamination and process issues. To complicate matters, the amount of static generation through the tribocharge effect depends on many factors including humidity, process speed, materials and surface finish. No matter how widespread static is, there is still much confusion, contradiction, misunderstanding, lack of information regarding labels, values and properties. The importance of correct PPE and understanding the significance of grounding in a multi-layered system, i.e. equipment, flooring, materials and personnel cannot be overstated for hazardous areas. I hope to demystify and expose some common myths and beliefs around static control.