Presenters Name: Cem Novella

Employment Title: Managing Director

Company: Static Electricity Control

Biography: Cem Novella is the Managing Director of Novella Group Pty Ltd Trading as “Static Electricity Control” or “SEC”

SEC provides consulting services such as site audits, compliance checks and incident investigation as well as supplying under exclusive distributorship Meech and Newson Gale  static control, earthing and bonding equipment.

Cem is the:

Chair of the Centre for Static Electricity and Lightning Protection CSELP

Chair of Australian Standards Committee EL-025 (AS/NZS 1020:2023) and liaison to     EL-014 (SA TS 60079.32.1 and TS 60079.32.2)

Cem is one of only a handful of people in Australasia tasked by the Insurance Industry and fire investigation teams to provide assistance in determining “root cause” specific to static electricity.

As a certified Auditor Cem continues to advocate for static electricity safety across all worksites and not to be complacent when dealing with static electricity hazards.

In Australia Cem continues to raise awareness of static electricity and lightning in hazardous areas amongst the broader industrial and manufacturing sectors in the hope that in the not too distant future, every site in Australia will be required to adopt an appropriate static electricity and lightning control plan.

Presentation Title:  Static Electricity – What do you need to do so that your site is compliant to Australian Standards

Presentation Abstract: In 2024 Australian regulators met in Melbourne to discuss concerns relating to static electricity in the aftermath of 3 serious fires and 2 fatalities. Facilities that store and or mix/blend dangerous goods material have been identified as workplaces where static electricity is considered a “significant” ignition risk requiring the site to understand, identify and control static electricity. In practical terms what does this mean!

How does a workplace control static electricity and comply with the requirements of Australian Standards and that of the regulators.

In this specific presentation we will look at what a site must do in order to comply with Australian Standards. We will demonstrate some of the “practical” static electricity controls, paying particular attention to: IBCs, Drums and Pails, Vats, Vessels, Storage Silos and Tanker Unloading